360 Law Group launches video service for remote signing of Wills

From 28 September 2020, due to Covid-19, the Government will allow Wills to be signed in a videoed environment


Camberley, UK – 22 September 2020: 360 Law Group, a global virtual law firm listed in The Times Newspaper’s Top 200 UK Law Firms 2020, launches a video signing service for Wills to accommodate any restrictions around social contact.  The new on-line service enables solicitors to hold video calls, validate identity documents and witness the signing of Wills and other statutory documents.  It caters for the Will Witnessing legislation that is due to go through Parliament on 28th September 2020.

V-Sign for Wills is available from 360 Law Group and is also being offered under licence to other law firms and Will writing companies. It will be rolled it out in other jurisdictions, including 12 States in the USA, over the coming months.

The service has been adapted from the firms original V-Sign service for Insolvency Practitioners launched in March 2020 at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Since then, it has been enabling lawyers to carry on trading, verify identities and remotely sign MVL’s in a videoed environment, a method that was quickly accepted by Companies House.

Robert Taylor, CEO & General Counsel at 360 Law Group says, “360 Law Group is at the forefront in developing low-cost solutions to legal problems. Our V-Sign services are a key part of our continued drive to make law more cost effective and accessible for both individuals and businesses the world over.  We are all having to adjust and adapt to new ways of working, away from traditional face-to-face meetings, and our new V-Sign for Wills service will play a vital role in ensuring these important documents can be produced in a safe and secure environment.”


360 Law Group’s low overhead model and use of its proprietary state-of-the-art technology supports a distributed team of over 240 highly qualified consultant lawyers operating in 63 countries.  The firm has effectively eliminated the costs of fixed premises and significantly reduced administration costs, allowing it to pass on genuine savings directly to its clients.


How it works

Since the new legislation recognises remote witnesses as ‘present’, solicitors can witness a wet signature made by the will-maker via its system.  All parties can view the same live document during the session. Any modifications made in real-time are recorded as actions. Just as a face-to-face appointment, clients receive the same high-quality advice to reflect their unique circumstances and requirements.


Once the physical copy has been signed by the will-maker (testator), a screenshot will be taken that captures the testator presenting the signature to the camera as well as the witnesses on camera observing the signature. V-sign also makes a video recording of the entire meeting including the advice given by the solicitor and the signing process.  Thus, a clear record of intention is recorded.


The wet copy can then be sent to the witnesses so they can add their own signatures in the same manner with a screenshot and video recording. The electronic copy, screenshot and video can then be saved as proof of compliance with the Wills Act.


All the signed documents and a copy of the video recording of the session are available for clients to download for 30 days after the V-Sign session.